Cohort Coaching

Whether a group of seasoned or emerging leaders, cohort coaching ensures a non-competitive and confidential setting where members can challenge themselves and each another to construct a strategic response to a common challenge….or harness the expertise of the group in a cross-training agreement…or simply support one another in identifying growth needs, sharing skill-building strategies, and achieving individual goals in the pursuit of more effective leadership.

Consider your peer group – other Executive Directors/CEOs, Program Directors, or Communication Managers – not as rivals or competitors, but as colleagues and allies -- sharing experience, strategies for success, and a vision of what genuine, productive, high-impact  leadership looks like in the world today. 

Delivering profound benefits greater than what can be achieved by individual coaching alone, cohort coaching leverages the collective wisdom of the group. Interactive sessions where participants share insights from both professional leadership experience and selected readings on leading in a turbulent world are the heart of the process.  Everyone contributes and everyone benefits – applying learnings to their own challenges, sharing insights, and offering peer feedback to reinforce and accelerate the development cycle.

Cohort coaching modules typically accommodate three to six participants for biweekly sessions over three months.  To learn more about the process and fee structure, contact Joanne at 

"Joanne helped me through a very difficult period of transition. The pandemic forced meto shift of gears in the way I work and lead my organization – on top ofchallenges I was already facing. Joanne helped me understand how to effectivelylead during this this challenging time. Her ability to grasp and process what Iwas dealing with and help me break things down, prioritize, take control andeffectively lead has been a boon personally. She also helped me create a morecohesive and effective team during a time when unity is more important thanever as we together to address the health care needs of Maine people."

Ann Woloson, Executive Director Consumers for Affordable Health Care

Let's Talk

If you think your organization can benefit from cohort coaching, email Joanne or call 207-671-7221

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