Client Portfolio

“Joanne guided me to try on new approaches to the work…practices that help me keep the “big picture” in mind, to constantly ask and test myself “How is this work in the moment leading us to success?”  She also shared an invaluable and practical toolbox of strategies to work productively and collaboratively with groups to stay aligned, on track, and focused on results."  

—Kate McClellan, 
Executive Director, Maine Votes / Maine Voices Network

  • American Dental Association
  • American Rights at Work
  • Association for Enterprise Opportunity
  • Casinos NO!
  • Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
  • Citizens Who Support Maine's Public Schools/"No on TABOR"
  • Connecticut Dental Association
  • Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership
  • Engage Maine
  • Environmental Priorities Coalition
  • Equality Maine
  • Fiddlehead Charter School
  • Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center
  • GrowSmart Maine
  • Immigration Reform Coalition of Maine
  • John T. Gorman Foundation
  • Legal Services for Maine Elders
  • LetÕs Go! Maine
  • Maine Association of Nonprofits
  • Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians
  • Maine Citizens for Clean Elections Coalition
  • Maine Commission on Community Services
  • Maine Conservation Voter/Maine Conservation Alliance
  • Maine Council on Aging
  • Maine Democracy Collaborative
  • Maine Dental Association
  • Maine Equal Justice Partners
  • Maine Historic Preservation Commission
  • Maine Initiatives
  • Maine Labor Solidarity
  • Maine Medical Association
  • Maine Public Health Association
  • Maine Women's Lobby
  • Minnesota Dental Association
  • MSEA/EIU Local 1989
  • National Alliance for the Mentally Ill/Maine
  • National Open Ballot Project
  • Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
  • Portland Recovery Community Center
  • Proteus Fund/Proteus Action League
  • Southern Maine Agency on Aging
  • Vermont Technical Assistance Providers Association
  • York County Community Action Corp.
  • York County Shelter Program, Inc.
  • Women, Work, & Community

Pro Bono Services:

  • Emerge Maine
  • Friends of Baxter State Park
  • League of Young Voters/Maine
  • Maine Association of Nonprofits
  • Merrymeeting Bay TRIAD
  • Portland Parks Conservancy
  • Viles Arboretum
  • Waterman’s Community Center
  • Western Maine Community Action Program
  • Wyoming Civic Engagement Network

"I have worked with Joanne D’Arcangelo for ten years in her capacity as a facilitator and organizer. I’m always impressed with her ability to coach a challenging group of people into consensus. Joanne is both diplomatic yet forceful in helping us make decisions."

—Adam D. Lee, Chairman
Lee Auto Malls

Let’s Talk!

If you want to take your leadership skills tothe next level as you “do well” professionally and “do good” in the world, email Joanne or call 207-671-7221

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